Monday, September 14, 2009

So we're not just talkin' Photoshop?

Prior to the first Digital Media lecture of the semester, my impression of what that was did not surpass printed advertisements or web graphics. Living in this day and age where our culture consists of various forms of technology, I didn't realize how integral digital media's role is to our society. Everything from graphics on my T-shirt to animations on a commercial for yogurt -- we live in an era where we no longer need to do things manually by hand.
Learning this gave me a greater respect for the evolution of technology, much more, a deeper fascination for the human capabilities to develop such advancements.
I'm actually really excited that I'll be learning more about this, especially going into the radio and television industry, because digital media plays such a big role in both. I mean, I only know this right now from a very, very surface level. I'm a video artist. I can film, edit and produce something that is visually, mentally and emotionally pleasing. Something as little as typography, graphics and animation are things that are incorporated to enhance my videos. Unfortunately for me, it has never been my strong suit, that is, being "techie-savvy" with programs such as Photoshop and etc. Fortunately, this class is designed for digital media dummies like myself. I want to soak up and apply as much as I can with all the new programs we'll be learning to use in the near future.

With that being said, man, I can't wait to tap those brand new imacs. It's like a 24 hour booty call that I have access to.

I've spoken my piece.

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