Thursday, September 24, 2009

We Feel Fine

This is wicked:

Laurie showed this to us in class today. It's a website that generates blogs that contain the fragment "I feel" or "I am feeling" and takes a census of their location, city, emotion, etc, and organizes them under different categories. It organizes them in representation of graphs, colored dots, mounds, weather and the list goes on. Play around with it. Discover all the links. It is one of the most graphic, interactive art pieces I've ever come across. It's more than just how cool and mind boggling the technology it requires to create the piece, but it's about what the artist is trying to convey.

I am in some shape, way, feeling or form, connected to someone on the planet Earth. I have never met this person and I probably never will. I think about how everybody walks around in their every day life, masks on, putting a front, afraid to share their truest feelings. Yet we share them anyway. To an unknown or known audience in the cyber world. We are not necessarily aware that those feelings are being generated, collectively, to unite people. We are all human. We all share that in common. We all experience every possible feeling a human can feel at least once in our life. Why are we afraid to just be ourselves? Especially when everyone is the same?

Yes, every one is unique. Yes, people are all different. We are only different on varying degrees. The make up of who we are as a species is exactly the same.

We are all connected. We all can relate. We all can find common ground.

Knowing this alone, makes me feel the extreme of my humanness. It makes me feel connected to myself, and the world.

SO Wicked.

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